Monday, January 13, 2025

YOU! HAVE THE POWER | Dr. Ellen Brown

May 5, 2021 by  
Filed under Community

Lets talk about money



Ask yourself this: is there a day that goes by without a thought or conversation connected to money? Earning, winning, borrowing, losing, sharing, loaning, praying over it, worrying, spending and more. If you don’t interact with the almighty dollar on a daily basis, God bless you — and please share with the rest of us how you accomplish that!

Money as a commodity dominates our lives in some way or another, from the womb to the tomb. Is that not at least an indicator that money has power? The question is, who really controls our money? We know for sure that politics enters into the equation.

In conversations with friends, family, colleagues, the church and myself, money (which is supposed to be the root of all … ) is a continuous topic that controls lives. In my opinion, that legitimizes it as a significant source of power.

Four years ago in Fairfield, Calif., I attended my first dfree Conference — and for the first time, I saw a plan for how the power of money must shift from those trying to take it from the people to the people controlling its power for our benefit. Here, I met the man behind this massive effort: Dr. DeForest Soaries, a preacher out of New Jersey who realized the financial pain and struggle of the people in his church. My mission since has been working with the dfree team and Las Vegas Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. to empower people toward financial freedom.

Dr. Soaries has spent the past 15 years building a “freeway” out of the debt-ridden lives of people whose histories include struggles over the loss of power over their own hard-earned dollars. He and Executive Director Tamika Stembridge have created a Team to focus on debt as the villain. In his book “Say Yes to No Debt,” Dr. Soaries and his team teach the “Billion Dollar Paydown” through a free program aimed at the Black community. “Say Yes to No Debt” has evolved to include programs specifically targeted to young people — complete with online videos and messages from key role models with high profiles.

DFree Academy is a free 12-step virtual program to financial freedom based on biblical principles of preparedness — such as Matthew 25:1-13 and the power verse, Proverbs 22:7 — that relate to our lives today, where debt is presented as our friend.

Take back your economic power in 2021. Go now to and free your economic power!

Dr. Ellen Brown is an affiliate faculty member at Regis University, Denver. Contact Dr. Brown at

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