Wednesday, January 22, 2025

PEACE: Reciprocity Overload

June 15, 2021 by  
Filed under Extra, Peace

How often do you hear — or have someone imply — that “you owe me”?

We are so conditioned to believe that we must repay others for the things we’ve received. The whole idea of “paying it forward” means that you too will be blessed. Even when we deprive ourselves of something, we expect a reward for all our hard work. This can be a gift — but can also be a tragedy if we don’t keep our goals and aspirations in proper perspective.

We respond to expectations from others and what we think is customary. But has there ever been a time when you took a deep breath and just released the expectation of someone doing something for you because you did something for them?

We add to the emotional baggage we’re already carrying if we don’t practice release. Every time you see that person who did something for you or vice versa, there may be an unspoken expectation of reciprocity. Peace is found when there is no real expectation of returned gratification.

Can you give and receive without a promise of something in return? The promises to yourself should feed into your soul, bringing light when there is darkness. God’s universe has its own will to give and take away.

There is peace in the process of giving without the thought of getting back. Your openness to gratitude feeds spirits of generosity of prosperity. Relax and tune into those spirits — embedded in the love you give to others and yourself.

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