Tuesday, January 21, 2025

PEACE: Queendom

August 1, 2021 by  
Filed under Extra, Peace

We can learn so much from those who have come before us: style, grace, character, activism, wisdom, and strength shown through silent tears.

We should wear our crowns and walk with pride as everyday conscious acts. As we face adversity, our ancestral rods hold our backs upright as we fearlessly face down the storms on a journey that is not to be avoided. We face them like we face ourselves in a mirror. Examine all the possibilities that reveal the beauty of life.

There is fire in your solitude. An opportunity to stem the flow of expectation. Strengthen the muscles of the heart to beat or to let go when required. Queen, you know it — and more importantly, you feel it. Just like the ocean knows its water creates needed waves to shape the earth—you know how to balance dark risings.

The world will pivot in your presence, making way for the sun to shine in your direction. The new day slides into your anxiety, allowing for a second chance. A new day awaits your calling and abides by your command.

The power you possess is not arrogant or intrusive. It’s just there like a ray of light seen by those who are woke. Stepping with unapologetic intention toward the unknown, eager to raise the curtains of faith.

Peace is there waiting to be actualized as bowed heads honor your Queendom.

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