Tuesday, February 18, 2025

The Circus Is Closed. Now, Clowns Be Gone | By Louie Overstreet

August 1, 2021 by  
Filed under Community

The Circus Is Closed. Now, Clowns Be Gone


Louie Overstreet

In four years, we allowed American democracy to become a circus act that now rivals the Wallendas in terms of peril.

It all started when the Trump Troupe took up D.C. residency in January 2017. It did not take them long to hire a bunch of Republican clowns they could find to work under the Big Top.

The Trump Troupe countered the American idea of striving to form a perfect union. It was no longer to be valued — and was replaced with the concept of quid pro quo. With all the “you scratch my back, I will scratch yours” that went on, one could reasonably conclude the place was one giant flea circus.

I have long suspected Lady Justice was not blind, given the generally known fact that in America you receive the justice you can afford. The Trump Troupe proved Ms. Justice was able to clearly distinguish between the rich and the poor.

Paraphrasing Bat Masterson — yes that Bat Masterson — the rich receive their ice in the summer and the poor continue to receive theirs in the winter, but even more so, given the efforts that were devoted to oppressing the poor.

If the consequences were not so dire, it would be laughable that these incompetent rich clowns became affirmative action hires — whose wealth was acquired by means of inheritance or in fields of endeavor unrelated to the governmental agencies they were appointed to in order to run American democracy into the ground.

Sadly, the closing of the Big Top in November 2020 was immediately replaced by the Big Lie that the circus was not voted out of office. Shortly thereafter on January 6, a troupe of lay clowns — who had been buying tickets to the circus for the last four years — went to D.C. in droves and committed an act of sedition.

When it comes to the Trump Troupe, I sure hope Vern Vinge was right, when he noted, “So even in Hell, there are clowns.”

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