Monday, September 9, 2024

YOU! HAVE THE POWER | Dr. Ellen Brown

August 1, 2021 by  
Filed under Community

Life choices: medical or political?



Seventeen months.

That is how long it has been since we got slapped straightaway in the face with the most undeniably debilitating medical crisis in the lifetimes of most people around the world.

The tragedies forced upon us have been enormous and overpowering. My heart bleeds for the friends and families who have suffered losses. The loved ones, co-workers, neighbors, friends, family members, acquaintances, and public figures whose lives were cut short by this pandemic.

Just as we were hearing that the pandemic losses were dropping as the result of vaccinations — BAM! It starts all over. Most of us simply do not know what to do or how to do it if we did know the answer. There is one thing for sure: each one of us has some level of power to exercise that could potentially decrease the numbers of people afflicted and who die. Sadly, I personally know people, family or otherwise who cared more about their political rights and power than anything medical.

This is how I choose to present my message: each of us is mostly free to express choices, even though they bring debate; but the numbers and facts are what matter. What challenges me personally is how my family, friends, neighbors make decisions about their choices relative to a proven pandemic; decisions are based on medical data, political messaging or both.

Medical: nearly 5,000 people in Nevada have died from COVID-19.

Political: All 5,000 were not actually COVID-19 patients; they were labeled that for financial benefits.

Medical: Wearing PPE prevents/minimizes the virus from transmission through body fluids.

Political: Forcing the wearing of PPE to prevent transmission violates my constitutional rights.

Medical: People with certain pre-existing health conditions are more at risk of serious consequences.

Political: These people were already high risk to any number of medical conditions taking them out.

Medical: The vaccines are safe and provide high efficacy for protection against COVID-19.

Political: Reports of CDC data indicate over 4,000 people died after vaccinations; testing not adequate.

Of course, both are significant positions, and this list only shows the random tip of the iceberg; however, the reality for me is people I know personally have been affected by COVID-19.

Each of us can make a decision about the steps we choose toward protection. Which will weigh heavier on you: medical or political?

I welcome your comments.

Dr. Ellen Brown is an affiliate faculty member at Regis University, Denver. Contact Dr. Brown at

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