Wednesday, January 22, 2025

PEACE: Making peace with what you have

September 15, 2021 by  
Filed under Extra, Peace

Have you ever really taken a “peace” assessment of the things that really make you feel relaxed and calm: when the worry of day-to-day issues are outside your door as you step into the sanctuary of your castle?

The things that bring you affirmation of self should never be taken for granted. The space to be yourself, by any means necessary. Absent of judgements — just unconditional love. These are the true treasures of the world. Our innate being is programmed to desire peace, so we need to recognize that the treasures around us are sometimes ignored. But with the penetration of the world’s value systems, we are often blinded by those real gifts that God has blessed us to hold.

Yes, you already have the things that will grant you peace; there just might need to be a rearrangement of your comforts to block the outside noise. Start with YOU.

Beauty is seen in the little things. Sometimes naked to the open eye. It might just be the wonderful feeling you get — like the smell of Mama’s hot out-the-oven sweet potato pies or a warm blanket folded upon you on a cold winter night by the fireside.

Peace is not random — it shows up upon your command, in mindfulness and gratitude. It recharges you when your spiritual tank is empty. You need only to be open to receive the universal embrace of life.

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