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Who is on the hospice care team?

September 15, 2021 by  
Filed under Health

Who is on the hospice care team?

By Cassandra Cotton, Nathan Adelson Hospice Community Outreach Manager

Caring for someone at the end of life can be overwhelming. It takes a variety of skilled professionals to deal with the physical, social, emotional, and spiritual needs of a terminally ill patient. Most families would find it impossible to assemble such a team. Hospice does this for you, using an interdisciplinary team trained in end-of-life care.

Creating a team of skilled professionals in this way results in better patient and family outcomes than when individual health professionals work in isolation.

A patient’s primary physician may stay involved, be involved in health and comfort decisions, and kept up to date on your care plan. At the hospice organization, the core team may include: Physicians, Advanced Nurse Practitioners, Registered Nurses, Licensed Practical Nurses, Social Workers, Certified Nurse Assistants, Non-denominational Chaplains, Therapy Professionals, and specially-trained volunteers

The care team collaborates, checks in with each other regularly, and pools resources to ensure well-rounded care for the hospice patient. During care team meetings, team members discuss the patient’s progress, any issues that have arisen since the last meeting, and the overall Plan of Care. This identifies overlapping issues and addresses any changes in condition.

Nathan Adelson Hospice is proud of the care team that lives and works in Pahrump. We know that every day, they go above and beyond to ensure that none of those in our care end the journey of life alone, afraid or in pain.

For additional information or to discuss a hospice referral, call Nathan Adelson Hospice’s qualified admission personnel at (702) 733-0320 to answer any questions you have.

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