Monday, January 13, 2025

YOU! HAVE THE POWER | Dr. Ellen Brown

September 15, 2021 by  
Filed under Community

How are you doing?



The last two years have been full of stress, strife and strain by anyone’s standards. How have you dealt with being figuratively slapped in the face by one after another crisis, loss, or unbearable situation of stress? As I have talked with dozens of people about the COVID shutdown and its many different moving parts, it is apparent that we have faced these tragedies because … there is no other choice.

Think about what little slivers of light may have shined through the clouds of boredom, loss, sickness, defeat and even rage. How did you feel? How did you deal with it? Who in your life made it workable? Who made it worse? So many tragedies resulted from this pandemic, yet there have also been many victories. The world has been shut down — but it is still rotating. The sun continues to shine, the water continues to flow, babies continue to be born, and birds continue to sing.

Yes, we are still experiencing loss. Yet, you are still standing. How will you remember the pandemic of 2020 and 2021? Perhaps even more importantly, how will you go forward in life when COVID is clearly out of our lives? We have within us the ability to see the world around us however we choose and to make choices that can lead to success or not.

Think of that choice as exercising your power. Harness it in a way that leads to a positive attitude and outcome. Exchange boredom for freedom! How about doing some things differently with the outcome being a simple smile from someone in your life or who simply crosses your path. Since we each have the power to produce thoughts, what if we used one or two to make someone have a better day?

Dr. Ellen Brown is an affiliate faculty member at Regis University, Denver. Contact Dr. Brown at

Each of us can make a decision about the steps we choose toward protection. Which will weigh heavier on you: medical or political?

I welcome your comments.

Dr. Ellen Brown is an affiliate faculty member at Regis University, Denver. Contact Dr. Brown at

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