Saturday, February 8, 2025

PEACE: We face what comes

October 14, 2021 by  
Filed under Extra, Peace

The emotional strength of a woman is God’s gift to the world. She holds the tide from threats and disasters. The storm comes when we least expect it, but that rumble within your heart will ignite your armor. Protection is not external. In all reality it is an internal manifestation of one’s will.

Your personal mental space is the soul of your movement. Fueling up on positive energy, thoughts, and your beautified environment will make space for understanding. Living moment-to-moment will reduce the strife that knocks at the unknown. You will find your way. It is the universal promise that some forget. All will evolve to another time and your journey will have another interpretation.

Living intentionally with a focus on your mind, body and spirit is your stuff. The stuff others might try to grab away to fertilize their disrupted existence. No. Give yourself back your stuff. The stuff that makes you who you are. The person humanity needs you to be — authentic.

Power up and remember what your ancestors gave. The price has already been paid forward for the pathway to be clear. Only you control the fog that can make what is seen suddenly invisible. Move the static and block the noise that births anger, self-pity, and sorrow.

You got this. The sun does come out regardless of circumstance. You can hold steady or let go. Remember the life you have is yours and peace is waiting for you to summon it.

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