Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Letter from the Publishers

November 6, 2021 by  
Filed under Community

Giving Thanks

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Las Vegas Black Image publishers Charles Tureaud and Kimberly Bailey Tureaud

The holidays are approaching, and we have to give thanks to you — our loyal Las Vegas Black Image readers and supporters. We have been publishing this magazine since 2008, with a cover dedicated to the newly-elected President Obama and his family.

We are grateful to our executive publishing team and all our advertisers who support our Black-owned and operated publishing and marketing company — bringing authenticity and the positive truth of our culture to Nevada.

The month of November continues Las Vegas Black Image Magazine’s & Intermountain Healthcare’s Health Initiative for communities of color. In this issue we announce the celebration of local Las Vegas seniors at the Doolittle Senior Center that will take place Nov. 10. We thank all of our community partners that include: John Mulls Meats, Intermountain Health Care, and community supporters for participating in this initiative.

We thank the Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Brain Health Center’s Power of Love event that allowed Las Vegas Black Image Magazine to get personal celebrity testimonies from the likes of Charlie Wilson, Jordin Sparks, Boyz II Men, and celebrity Chef Wolfgang Puck as it relates to staying healthy and giving support to the Health Initiative and its theme: “Go to the Doctor!”

Excitement was also in the air as we captured Shaquille O’Neal and Icy Hot’s personal $200,000 plus donation to the Doolittle Community Center for a basketball court refurbishment project and laptop giveaway benefiting community youth.

We hope this issue not only enlightens you but also motivates you to drink more water (see Peace) while staying mindful of the importance of water conservation. Let’s do it!

We wish you all a happy and safe Thanksgiving and all the blessings that this world has to offer.

Keep rising,
Charles Tureaud & Kimberly Bailey Tureaud

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