Monday, September 16, 2024

PEACE: Water: A Love Story!

November 6, 2021 by  
Filed under Extra, Peace

Water, I love the way you make me feel.

You quench my thirst with coolness that engulfs my body and clears obstructions from the passages that give me life. You fill me with refreshment when dryness tries to stop movement and growth. You nourish my physical being and give my locks their long silky dance.

Water, you are a gift from above — dancing to the gratification of His gift that makes me feel new. You bring life, giving colors to the seasons of our souls. You have the power to dictate the change of emotions that are welcomed unconditionally with the rotation of the universe.

Water is its name, making me think of a clearer place and moment I want to experience. The relaxed and subtle intake that slowly and delicately moves throughout my body.

I love you, water. I have grown accustomed to your authentic taste. Either cold or hot, you give rise to my thoughts, emotions, and self-esteem. You make me better.

The flow of your movement — either seen in a grand ocean or lake — ordains the universal law of calm. You are the main component that God used to make me. All functions of my being are fueled by your presence.

I treasure you and will continue to avoid wasting you, because you are unselfish with your supply. You keep life going in my body and in the world that surrounds us. The emerald colors of green capture the eyes of all who are open to receive your beauty.

I know your plan is to be here in abundance for us to keep our bodies functioning properly. I will never take you for granted, even when other beverages try to sway me away from your greatness. Yes, I just want a tall glass of my best friend — water — when having my meals and at my bedside to always reach for your refreshing embrace.

I love WATER!

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