Friday, July 26, 2024

PEACE: You Good?

December 12, 2021 by  
Filed under Extra, Peace

We are in the season of giving, but we can’t forget about ourselves. Every now and then we should stop and say, “Hey YOU!” Be the voice that reminds yourself how wonderful you are and to wake up your intention to take care of yourself.

It could be a silent walk, going to get your nails done, or that massage that you keep desiring but find no time to get. Take the time to look within and ask yourself, “Are you good?”

There is a lot of noise that distracts us from ourselves. The remedy could be as simple as taking the long, soothing bath that you’ve been avoiding because time is always short. But you can wake up a little early for quiet time, prayer or meditation to follow the warm, regenerating soak.

Take the time to give back to you. Do something that you never thought you would do before. Pop that bubble of fear and step out of your comfort zone into a world that you have only dreamed of entering.

“Hey YOU!” will reprogram your attention on the peace you desire. Make sure you expose yourself to the eye candy of nature with maybe a long drive while listening to the Isley Brothers. Trust me, it is good for mind, body, and soul.

Enjoy your family and friends this holiday season, but remember to look into the mirror and say, “Hey you! You good?”

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