Tuesday, January 14, 2025

PEACE: Persevere!

February 10, 2022 by  
Filed under Extra, Peace

The command of the Universe and that of our ancestors is one of perseverance. WE CAN NEVER GIVE UP! Our being is one that keeps going toward the path ordained for us by God. Sometimes we just get in our own way and interrupt the process required to achieve personal greatness.

The breath of life and the movement toward good is natural. It is only when you focus on those negatives that you end up blocking the blessings. The work you put into yourself to birth your imagined dreams is a must. Dreams are the messages given to guide you towards your reality. Your dreams are directly connected to those talents within and deserve to be heard. The noise of denial will be silent as you bring up the volume.

Use your voice for more internal communication than external. Yes, the voice of reason begins with you. Listen to the world and evaluate if responses are necessary.

Your commitment to your goals is the fuel that maintains your momentum — and uncontrolled responses are only speed bumps to derail your GPS.

It is necessary for us all to take the time to build up our armor. Refuel your spirit to walk a new beat, and shine a new light that cannot be dimmed. The party for life begins and ends with you. Play your fine-tuned mental and physical instruments well and never miss a rehearsal — so that you can SHOW UP exceeding all expectations you set for yourself.

Yes, we are HERE. There is a new day, a new morning, a new year, and more to let us know that everything is on that continuous wheel towards peace. But you must be firmly equipped to last. True success is when you are able to say, “I never give up.”

Peace will be there waiting to embrace you as you continue your mission to LIVE!

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