Thursday, January 16, 2025

Dear Mommy and Poppy

June 19, 2022 by  
Filed under Extra, Peace

By Sarah A. Williams

I’m sorry you have to see me this way

But a bad man killed a lot of us today

He just walked into our school

With nothing to say

And started shooting everybody

In a casual way

I looked up and saw my teacher fall

She knocked over the desk against the wall

And then he shot Susie in the chest

I watched the blood flow down her dress

The bullets were going by so fast

I hardly saw Larry stumble past

Donny held his books in front of his face

But that didn’t stop the bullet’s pace

As I stood frozen looking around

I saw a light coming down

It filled the room from left to right

Oh Mommy, it was a beautiful sight

Then I heard voices begin to sing

And through the lights, I saw wings

They were bright white, big and wide

And they wrapped around us from every side

Poppy they were real Angels

Not the pretty ladies we see

But they were big, strong and fearless

The way I imagined them to be

They made me feel so happy

I didn’t have a care

Until the bullet hit me

I had forgotten the man was there

I didn’t feel the bullet

Or my body hit the floor

I didn’t see the gunman

Still standing by the door

I no longer heard the desks fall

Or the other children scream

All I felt was warmth and love

Inside my Angel’s wings

I looked up into the face of my Angel

And he gave me a little smile

He told me I would see the face of GOD

But I would have to sleep for a while

And then I felt great sadness

Because I knew you would weep

That’s when the Angel kissed my forehead

And said My Beloved, go to sleep

Mommy and Poppy I know you’ll miss me

And I know how much you care

So after the Angel told me to sleep

I began to say my prayers

I prayed for you and my

family, just like I did before

I even prayed for the gunman, standing by the door

I prayed for JESUS to help him

with all his griefs and strifes

I prayed that GOD would forgive him

For taking all our lives

I know that he is sleeping as well

And I’m afraid when he wakes

He’s going to hell

I know the only thing I can do

Is forgive him, like you taught me to

Mommy and Poppy please don’t weep

I have to be obedient now and go to sleep

Just know when you put my body beneath the sod

That one day your baby is going to wake up

And see the face of GOD

We who sleep thank you for your love and care

And we carry your last kiss into our slumber

Goodnight Mommy and Poppy,

I love you

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