Monday, January 13, 2025

Wrong folks for fighting crises | By Louie Overstreet

June 19, 2022 by  
Filed under Community



Louie Overstreet

Given that America is facing at least six crises, these folks ain’t up to snuff!

1. Crisis of anti-intellectualism, where bigoted school boards members are banning books — reminiscent of Germany in the 1930s.

2. Given the national housing crisis, it is a head-scratcher, why former Congresswoman Marcia Fudge, from my old congressional district in Cleveland, was put in charge of HUD. I have not heard her make any news, to calm the waters, since being appointed to the post. As of April 2022, the average cost of a studio apartment in Cleveland is going for $1,027 a month, which is unaffordable for a person making $7.25/hour — so it’s momma’s basement for now

3. With the crisis to individual rights on the rampage, Jamie Harrison is temperamentally ill-fitted for his job as Chairman of the DNC. Biden must have thought it would be a nice consolation prize for running against Lindsey Graham. Also, a jovial Black dude with a smile on his face has a zero-intimidation factor.

4. Fauci is a good doctor, but he is no “crisis in healthcare” consigliere. He would be better off with one arm. Thus, when asked a question, he couldn’t say on the one hand, but again on the other hand.

5. With threats to democracy looming, Merrick Garland is not the one. He is too measured to be the Attorney General of the USA. While appearing to be a decent person, a decent person is not what you need as AG. His diminutive stature and soft voice add to his problem of the inability to make timely or controversial decisions.

6. There is a crisis in a woman’s right to choose. If the leaked SCOTUS draft by Alito, essentially overturning Roe v. Wade, passes before or shortly after the publishing of this column, all hell is likely to break loose. Unfortunately, Alexis Johnson is no Cecile Richards, when it comes to the leadership of Planned parenthood.

Sadly, in my lifetime, when summed, I have witnessed the rise and possible fall of America.

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