Thursday, January 16, 2025

PEACE: Someone is Taking MY STUFF

July 8, 2022 by  
Filed under Extra, Peace

It’s a different time and space whereby others find discomfort in other’s stuff. Not their STUFF, but the stuff that belongs to someone else. This awakens the giant in all — when something is taken. The universe is built on strong foundations because of consistency. The constant that brings about absolution.

One’s movement towards self-empowerment is often envied by those caught up in a status quo of insecurity. The light in one’s life that brings about daily smiles shared is the internal joy many wish for. So hold tight onto YOUR STUFF.

Your liberties will be threatened — even your freedom. But never loosen your embrace on your life’s vision. The life that has the wind at your back and the sun warming your face. The leaps into the unknown that demonstrate optimal perseverance.

Hey you, over there: Give me back my stuff. Stand strong with flexible humility while cruising the course of life. There are twists, turns, and even some bumps. Hold steady and navigate through unseen obstacles meant to reverse momentum.

The dripping hitting the puddle making ripples in the moment stops time for pause to rethink direction and restore faith in the process. The recharge gives the burst of surprise that you have survived the impossible and you are STILL HERE.

The culprits are stuck in their own mess — believing they are free but as they search for peace, it is delayed. The discovery that they never had IT. And the band screams, “Where is my STUFF?”

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