Monday, September 9, 2024


September 13, 2022 by  
Filed under Extra, Peace

Feelings of stress and anxiety can be overwhelming. Thinking about what happened yesterday or may happen tomorrow can remove us from the NOW. Staying in the moment can bring relief from life’s pressures. Take account of what is surrounding you at this very moment — what you see, feel, and touch. Staying in the RIGHT HERE and NOW can reduce all the emotional stress hanging on the would-of-could-of.

Gratitude is the gift you receive when you bring all your attention to the very moments you are in. It is a blessing to be truly thankful for the moments you experience.

You can experience this while listening to the words of a stranger who has commanded your attention. The attention to complete a conversation and to connect the lines of communication with the caring glance of your eyes.

“Yes, I see you.” In this exact moment I give my full heart and soul to the moment we are sharing. “Stay” is a compliment and “connection” is a blessing. The spoken word is transcendent and hidden in the vibe of the moment.

Time can be radical, but obedient to your guidance. The truly creative ones understand the moments that feed their vision for an integrated life. Be HERE. All of you, not a piece absent from the soul.

Seeing and hearing the birds as they sing the tunes that rotate serenity. Yes, “I’m Here.” With nothing more than what has entered my environment. My peace.

What a beautiful word — here, in the moment where God has commanded us to be.

The flicker of life will slow down — embracing you with blanketed warmth, waiting for you to turn the page instead of focusing on abstractions.

There is peace as you say — and act — “I’m Here.”

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