Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Women, Know Your Worth!

September 13, 2022 by  
Filed under Highlights

BY CRAIG KIRKLAND, EVP/Director of Retail Banking, Nevada State Bank

Craig Kirkland

Should women earn the same or more than men? Absolutely. 

Should women be given the same leadership and growth opportunities as their male counterparts? Without a doubt. 

I have two daughters, an incredible mom who raised me after the early passing of my father, and a wife who owns her own business. I am surrounded by amazing people who happen to be women. With our daughters, we try to dispel any perceived limitations that are implicitly or explicitly reinforced by society. We point to women of accomplishment as examples of what they can achieve if they put their minds to it. 

While I believe these things to be true, disparities still exist. According to WalletHub, nearly 68% of women with children 18 years or younger were in the workforce in 2021; however, their hourly wage was only 84% of what men make. WalletHub also looked at several key metrics driven largely by childcare, professional opportunities, and work-life balance, to rank the best and worst states for working mothers. Nevada came in at #46, and did not fare much better than the three last-place states — Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana. 

Women: know your worth and value. Consider the following steps when it comes to improving your pay and work life: 

● Ask (not for money — not yet) your employer for role clarity and specifically what success looks like, then … 

● Enrich Your Ask: Focus on doing your best against those defined metrics 

● Invest in Yourself: Take advantage of company-provided training and resources; go back to school; complete a pending degree or obtain a professional certification 

● Build bridges and mend fences: Show you have the emotional intelligence to be collaborative and work well with others. 

● Network: Connect with women and men who are doing what you aspire to do, then … 

● Seek Mentorship: Model the behaviors 

● Dress to Succeed: If you look good, you feel good. Be humble, but exceedingly confident 

● Develop Your Leadership Skills: Build a comfort level speaking in front of people (try Toastmasters or similar organizations) 

● Leverage small business lending programs that benefit women-owned businesses if you want to start your own company 

● Practice Self-Care: Last but not least, prioritize yourself and practice self-care by walking, praying, journaling, meditating, gaming, crafting, bowling — whatever brings you some measure of joy. 

Craig Kirkland, EVP/Director of Retail Banking for Nevada State Bank, shares insights from his 30-year banking career in Craig’s Common Cents. If you’d like to read his other posts, please visit


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