Thursday, January 16, 2025

YOU! HAVE THE POWER | Dr. Ellen Brown

January 25, 2023 by  
Filed under Community

Sharing the power through Mayor Pamela Goynes Brown



As always, we welcome a new year in the same way: “It’s a new dawn. It’s a new day. It’s a new life for me. And I’m feeling good!”

I love using the Nina Simone rendition of this song. The arrival of a new year somehow brings us hope, opportunity and power to move on — or start over — in our lives. Like the rainbow after the storm, the calm after the turmoil, the peace after the destruction. New Year’s resolutions — really? Look back on your past ones. How did those work out for you?

The reality is we are always looking for opportunities to start over. But why? Most everything we need is stockpiled in our lives.

Mayor Pamela Goynes Brown

A major power victory for 2023 in the Las Vegas Valley is the inauguration of Pamela Goynes Brown, elected mayor of North Las Vegas!

If you are a resident of NLV, you made the power work for us all! I commend each one of the candidates who stepped forward and put their hats in the ring. Do you realize how much power it takes to do that? A lot! In the final count, it was her time: Pamela Goynes Brown, a native of Las Vegas’ West Side, educated in LV Schools, a Bishop Gorman High School graduate, HBCU graduate of Prairie View. And let’s not forget: parents dedicated to educational opportunities for all. Specifically, those on the West Side of Las Vegas. The Village. She knows and understands the people of NLV. She works for you.

Consider yourself part of the Village if you are in a place and position to make this happen in the next generation — especially for someone whose life already seems destined to include their footprint on the next generation. Mayor Pamela Goynes Brown stepped into the ring with power already on her side. Her power is not for her benefit…it is for YOURS and for OURS!

Talk to her. Support her. Show your love for her. Even if you do not live in NLV your voice is important whether it finds its way to NLV constituents or our own community elected leaders, let it be heard. Mayor Goynes Brown is my sorority sister, and she exudes the belief that standing together with like-minded people will make a difference for the betterment of all. Your power is her power. Tell her what you need, and she will listen. Share your concerns, and she will act.

It’s a new day, a new dawn — and there is work to do!

Dr. Ellen Brown enjoys writing on political topics that encourage and invite discussion leading to action. As a retired university educator and Dean, she is enjoying her life in Color with POWER! Ellen welcomes you to contact her with your ideas and stories on how you use your power!

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