Thursday, January 16, 2025

HEALTHIER YOU: Ten tips for preventing infections before and after pregnancy

February 26, 2023 by  
Filed under Health



Some infections that occur before and during pregnancy can be harmful to a woman and the child she is carrying. These infections can cause serious illness, birth defects, and lifelong disabilities such as hearing loss or learning problems. Here are 10 tips to help prevent infections before and during pregnancy:

1. Protect yourself from Zika virus. Zika virus can be passed from a pregnant woman to her fetus during pregnancy or to her baby around the time of birth. If you are pregnant do not travel to areas with Zika.

2. Wash your hands with soap and water after the following …

  • Using the bathroom
  • Touching raw meat, raw eggs, or unwashed vegetables.
  • Preparing food and eating.
  • Gardening or touching dirt or soul
  • Handling pets
  • Being around people who are sick

3. Reduce contact with saliva and urine from babies and young children

4. Avoid unpasteurized (raw) milk and foods made with it

5. Do not touch or change dirty cat litter

6. Stay away from wild or pet rodents and their droppings

7. Get tested for sexually transmitted diseases.

8. Talk to your healthcare provider about vaccinations

9. Avoid people who have an infection.

10. Ask your doctor about group B strep.

For more information, call Las Vegas All Women’s Care at (702) 522-9640. Or visit us at 700 Shadow Lane #165 in Las Vegas.

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