Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Racial Policies May Doom America | By Louie Overstreet

March 15, 2023 by  
Filed under Community


Louie Overstreet

The evolutionary march of race-based laws is comparable to the evolutionary arrival of homo erectus — not an actor in adult movies, but the one from eons ago.

Race-based policies and laws have been evolving in America since the mid-1600s. If you need further knowledge in this regard, read “The 1619 Project” before it is banned in states other than Florida. The book contains a lot of documented facts that have shown how bigoted minds — to paraphrase Col. Jessup in “A Few Good Men — “Can’t handle the truth!” I will be the first to admit that learning the truth was even a shock to me, given what I was taught about American history in Cleveland public schools during the 1950s.

If you need examples, then check out the Fugitive Slave Act, anti-literacy laws, and Jim Crow codes from back then — up to the overt intent of laws being passed today.

It is beyond me why we continue to fiddle around with the issue of race, in a supposedly democratic society, at a time we need all hands on deck to deal with the real threat of at least a quartet of provocative nations hell-bent on changing the world order of good versus evil.

It troubles me to no end that we have to go over ground plowed back in the mid-1950s and throughout the violent 1960s. Of historical note, free love (or more accurately, the only cost of love back then was a trip to a doctor’s office) was happening concurrently. Violence and free love taking place at the same time — yet we survived and progressed as a society. It was quite surprising to those of us who lived through it.

Nowadays, we are running, stumbling, and fumbling our way through the 2020s, by engaging in divisive racial behavior at the source. It is going to doom us for sure, unless we …

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