Monday, September 9, 2024

Great Scott! Southwest Gas helps beautify North Las Vegas campus

April 30, 2023 by  
Filed under Community

More than 100 Southwest Gas volunteers helped beautify Jesse D. Scott Elementary School in early April by installing a sensory and butterfly garden, planting more than 80 trees and plants around the campus, and spreading 38 tons of landscape rock.

The beautification project is the result of a $25,000 donation to the Title I school in North Las Vegas by the Southwest Gas Foundation to Nevada Plants — a community-based, tree-planting nonprofit agency whose mission is to create multifunctional landscapes while promoting sustainable reliance.

Trees and plants can help reduce air pollution, capture carbon dioxide, lower buildings’ energy use, and reduce customers’ energy bills. Efforts to spearhead a sustainable future in the communities it serves are at the forefront of Southwest Gas’ 2023 initiatives — “Sustainability, Environment & Beautification,” which creates events that benefit the environment and strengthen communities.

By focusing on schools, parks, and other areas and in partnerships with local nonprofit partners, these events will center around tree planting in underserved neighborhoods — expanding communities’ tree canopies and providing many other benefits like improved air quality, cooler temperatures, ecological restoration, and climate resiliency.

“It’s vital that we are leaders within our communities on projects that enhance the quality of life while providing sustainable, environmentally friendly solutions,” said Dr. Laura S. Nelson, vice president of Sustainability and Public Policy at Southwest Gas. “We believe everyone should experience the health, climate, and resiliency benefits of living in a greener community. We’re excited to partner with Nevada Plants to provide students at Scott Elementary with a campus that offers more inclusive learning opportunities in an environment that makes them excited.”

As an energy services provider, giving back to the communities and exceeding customers’ expectations is a central part of the Southwest Gas culture. That philanthropic attitude includes monetary donations directly from employees to local nonprofit agencies and volunteering to help those in need. The Southwest Gas Foundation has contributed more than $3.7 million to local agencies in Southern Nevada over the last ten years. For more information, visit

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