Monday, January 13, 2025

PEACE: One Footprint In The Sand!

June 11, 2023 by  
Filed under Extra, Peace

There are times when we are reminded that we are truly alone. The tide of the universe washes away all that we thought life should be. The only thing left is your own will to pull it together and make it through another day, another moment, or another life experience. You understand that telling your truth to someone else will only be met with, “Wow, so sorry to hear this.” 

People don’t take ownership for the added chaos they bring to your life, and put the responsibility on other disruptions. Wouldn’t it be nice to see that warrior of loyalty that is only felt by a fatherly love? 

We all want to feel the authenticity of protection. A protection of your heart, mind, and spirit. Not a selfish one that turns around and mutters, “What about me?” A true love and support should only ponder, “What can I do to help see you through a tough moment?” 

Finding this is very hard in this time of space of humanity. The descriptions are often not crafted by one’s own insight. Many still wait for the interpretation or definition that will lead their walk in the shadows of others. 

Remember to dig deep inside and take your moments that help guide the echoes of your heart. Clear voice will be heard to lift you up and bring self-awareness — making reality safe. Your place is ordained and secured by your own movement. 

Stay in the space of security knowing that you are ENOUGH — and the world as you hoped it to be might be just a wonderful illusion only there to give rise to your next step.

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