Friday, July 26, 2024

Defend Democracy Against The Rise Of Fascism

September 13, 2023 by  
Filed under Community

Louie Overstreet


We can do at least six things to defend democracy and stop the rise in fascism. What fascism, you ask? The one where a leading presidential candidate said migrants are rapists and another stated that his first day on the job will involve slitting the throats of bureaucrats. 

  • Affirmative Action: Americans know of the disparate impact of discrimination. All we need to do is to revisit and implement the primary recommendations contained in the 426-page Kenner Commission report, released in February 1968, some 55 years ago. 
  • Immigration: Develop a lottery system, regardless of country of origin, based on current job vacancies and forecasted labor needs. Put certain oppressive countries in the Caribbean, Central, and South America on notice that they have three years to clean up their act or face regime change. 
  • Reform the divisive, old folks-laden Congress: Term limits are a must. Three, six-year terms for senators and six, 2-year terms for representatives. I am mindful this will require a Constitutional amendment. 
  • Social Security shortage: This is the easiest one to solve. All that is required is to eliminate the cap, which is presently at $160,200 and as structured is a regressive tax on the middle class. Thus, whatever amount of money you earn, it will be subject to a social security deduction. 
  • Supreme Court: These recommendations do not require amendments to the Constitution: an 18-year term limit and the adoption of a code of ethics. 
  • Voting Rights: Simply restore the provisions of the 1965 Voting Rights Act, which was gutted by the SCOTUS in 2013 and 2021. Lives and property were sacrificed to pass the Voting Rights Act. One need only to view photos of the Alabama church bombing, Emmett Till lying in his casket, Bull Connor “siccing” dogs on protesters, and the burning Greyhound bus that was carrying freedom riders in the south for proof. 

Warning, so that we don’t have to buy jackboots and learn to goose-step: please work to resist the rise of fascism in America.

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