Monday, January 13, 2025

Finding peace in nature

September 13, 2023 by  
Filed under Highlights, Peace

When the rain comes pouring down, it represents the universe cleansing our environment. The tap-tap-tap on the windows — even the splash falling into a pet’s water pail — possesses a hypnotic quality that brings balanced energy. 

Many people overlook the power of nature — or take it for granted as a mere part of everyday circumstance. Our shared connectivity lies in the roots of all living things. The bloom of a flower responds when fed with those things that make it prosper. Leaves on a tree turn green to mark the season, before dissolving into an orange-tinted rainbow and kissing the soil that envelops it. 

Running your bare feet into a plot of emerald green grass will electrify your mind. The sandy beach awaits your footsteps, signaling His grasp to carry you through. Your gaze upon the mountains serves to protect — reminding us of our grandeur and the limitless possibility of achievement. 

The ocean teaches us about our bodies and how waves of humanity can reproduce themselves. Underwater silence gives rise to introspection and discovery. The light that glimmers slowly at sunrise commands forward motion, while the moon signals rest that feeds the soul. 

The insects that hover over flashes of light bring identity to the canvas. The birth of animals strives to live with instinctual pursuits. The blowing wind awakens matter from stillness — commanding attention and respect for chaos. 

There is no room for a single interpretation of being. The ups, downs, and side motions orchestrate true reality. There is no normal or straight line to walk. 

The universe has spoken with the words of nature, giving us the playbook for life. We just need to learn its language.

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