Thursday, January 16, 2025

PEACE: Be the change in your world

January 5, 2024 by  
Filed under Highlights


I lean in to place my fingers on the computer keyboard, with total knowledge that I can now create the world I desire to feel in my soul. 

We all have an ability to be the world we would like to see — and for others to experience. Our total being is the manifestation of the world we seek. 

The distraction in our physical environment transforms one’s perspectives and actions. We have all been told and guided — but somehow, as we lean into the minds of others, we get misled. We question the trust of self that is contrary to the wishes of a belonging crowd. Humanity’s GPS is off-kilter — but in our weariness and complacency, we still reach out to be led. There is power in the touch and in the clinch of a hand. There is warmth when two hands reach out and embrace. 

The hands have no sense of smell or ears to hear — so judgment is only controlled within the mind. The hands follow. Even as we live intentional lives — grounded in the rights and wrongs taught by faith leaders, parents, teachers, aunties and uncles — we still find ourselves lost and following that which destroys our peace. 

Let’s practice caring for the gardens planted long ago in our hearts and minds. Give them new light, and water them with our spirit of life. Time is not a race to run, but a journey to breathe in and glide through — capturing all of the good and bad that fertilizes our bloom. Do not allow the clay of your life to be shaped by unfamiliar hands. Your world of change is in your control — and fear is an abstraction, not reality. It hasn’t happened yet. 

Take your time walking into unexpected territory and step into the world we desire. Mold the life you wish for — the blueprint has already been drawn up. Take time to remember and trust the soul that was given to you by the highest power. Seek and you will make peace that fulfills all your dreams.

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