PEACE: The Pull Up
March 17, 2024 by
Filed under Highlights, Peace

Yes, that day, I was feeling really bad, Ms. Celie. But you helped me.” This line in “The Color Purple” speaks volumes about sisterhood and the woman-to-woman connection that heals.
People often mask their emotions, hiding the pain in their spirit. We have grown so accustomed to disguising hurt — it happens unconsciously, in line with the admonition, “Don’t tell nobody your business,” which rings loud in our cultural conditioning.
But, in your solitude, there might be an unexpected knock at your door from a few sister-loves you have hidden from, who can find the space to help heal the wounds of the heart. Discovery is bliss.
Just like the sun demands your attention, your sister-loves (who really see you) will pull up! The rhythmic vibration of your silence roars like a drumbeat in their souls — drawing them to come check on you. Love is so powerful. And the love of a true sister-friend is one that can never disappear. It’s there when you least expect it.
The Pull Up is necessary, and our ancestors demand it. Planted in our DNA is the voice of strength, wisdom, empathy and love. Listen to that. It will maintain sister drivers in all lanes, so that none of us are left behind.
Practice the Pull Up of your own, by not allowing the needed voice to go silent. Send that card, call that number, or text that loving message. If there is no response, pull up with love and a hug. Prayer in action will save us all!