May 27, 2024 by
Filed under Community
The 2020 presidential election set the record for the highest voter turnout in 120 years, and the highest record for mail-in voting. That is nearly two-thirds of eligible voters, according to The Black vote increased nearly 5%, registering a total of 65.2% — which placed Black voters second in voter turnout. Blacks 18-29 years of age are represented as increasing voter rates by nearly 9%.
Why is this information important? The answer produces a long list of reasons — but for now, at the top of the list is “WHY NOT?” Many non-voters settle on reasons related to distrust, dislike, uncertainty, or what happened in the last election. All of this can be present and even increase in the upcoming election. But Hosea 4:6 warns us: “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” Often, because you have rejected knowledge.
Of course, we know Hosea was not preaching about voting in the presidential election — but we take our lessons and get our answers from the wisdom and knowledge sources we believe. So many times, throughout my voting age years, I have heard so many people give excuses for not planning to vote. One of them is “Well, I don’t know those people.” Another? “I don’t like any of them!” Okay. Point well taken. Have you ever purchased something of high value from someone you do not know personally? Why? How did you make the decision to follow through, knowing it could possibly not work out? How often was it what you expected? How often not? What was at stake if it did not?
So, what is at stake? Here are a few things:
- Significant outcomes supporting our communities’ social and justice issues.
- Black voters represent one of the most stable voting blocs in the U.S. — in spite of ongoing forces seeking to report otherwise. Black women voters played a significant role in Biden’s 2020 win.
- The presidential election is unquestionably important; however, in that same category will be our representatives at every level, from President to Senate and House of Representatives to our local offices. Here in Nevada, there are eight state executive offices up for election, and many in local municipalities as well. The information on candidates and the issues is out there — and you may not have to look too hard to find it. They will find YOU!
- TIME! As of May 2024, we have about six months to get our minds prepared and made up to vote in the presidential election. The questions to ask yourself are: HOW will you prepare to make your decision and WHO will you select? “I don’t like ANY of them” is not a choice, but an excuse. Check out the many sources on the web providing details, including one that covers the entire country:
So, why do we vote? BECAUSE WE CAN!
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