Sunday, September 15, 2024

Symptoms and disease could get ‘worser’

August 17, 2024 by  
Filed under Community


Louie Overstreet

When talking to friends about the health of America nowadays, the phrase “things can’t get any worse” often comes up. I must remind them that “worser” is a distinct possibility. 

This is based on having to add daylight and sub-basements to my slab on grade home to accommodate things getting worse all the time. At this rate, I am going to have to hustle up more money to add another level to house patients with severe heart conditions. 

While by no means an exhaustive list, symptoms of our ill health that immediately come to mind include book-banning, Christian nationalism, failure to support allies, lies, SCOTUS, voter suppression, and women’s healthcare options. 

I barely have enough space to cite examples of historical parallels of what can happen, if we let things get “worser.” 

The first book burning in Nazi Germany took place on May 10, 1933 — with certain books deemed subversive and incompatible with the ideology of the regime. We all know what the next twelve years were like. The parallel here in America is the stump-stupid governor of Florida engaging in book banning based on the teaching of critical race theory. If you are wondering whether the next step will be burning the forbidden books, the answer is yes. 

Next on my list of health threats is Christian nationalists’ inexplicable acceptance, sanctioning, and support of the dogma espoused by lying politicians. 

It would be malpractice to abandon NATO, as an ex-President has suggested, when all member nations of NATO came to our aid, under article 5 of the NATO charter, after the terrorist attack on America on 9/11. 

The symptoms’ hit parade continues with the perplexing, rear-end scratching SCOTUS decisions to gut the Voting Rights Act of 1965, overturn Roe V. Wade, and grant presidents presumptive immunity to commit crimes. 

All these symptoms are telltale signs of the disease of hate-filled hearts. If the upcoming election goes sideways, you can fully expect our nation’s cardiac condition to surely get “worser.”

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