Sunday, September 15, 2024

YOU! HAVE THE POWER | Black voter views show promise for Kamala Harris

August 17, 2024 by  
Filed under Conversation



The 2024 presidential election is likely to be remembered for its unique characteristics compared to previous elections. In fact, it seems to be unfolding in a manner reminiscent of a movie: changing the candidate on the ticket at this stage of the race is unprecedented in history. 

It is a fact that Black voters tend toward Democratic candidates. According to polling and history, that tendency prevails. When there is an African-American candidate, the tendency goes even higher. In published polling results taken in early 2024, there was already indication that Black voter support for Biden may be waning. Even so, ratings continued to be positive and in favor of Biden. Now that President Biden has stepped down, we move on to the camp surrounding Kamala Harris for president. 

Still, the question presents itself: “What has Kamala Harris done?” Again, we turn to the statistics. A poll conducted at the end of July showed her having a 50% approval rating and growing. This is actually higher than either Biden or Trump have posted. At the writing of this article, a running mate was not introduced. This, according to the pollsters, could be decisive on her chances of winning. How will Kamala broaden her favorability with the electorates she needs to win? Black voters’ voices matter, but the support to win must demonstrate how all voices matter in America. Your conversations with co-workers, neighbors, friends, family all matter. Vice President Harris needs to offer what people want. 

Her platform must include answers to the growing vulnerabilities that come with inadequate healthcare; how will she convince the voters that she is all-in and will work hard to break through human barriers — who, when faced with a woman president, will be waiting for her with folded arms? Donald Trump will be waiting with his false truths to discredit Kamala, or anyone who opposes him, to elevate himself to the top. The games he is known to play lean heavily on convincing his supporters that the opponent is inferior and he is superior. 

An article in the New York Times includes insights into the perspective of Black voters regarding the presidential candidates — particularly focusing on Kamala Harris. It begins with Trump claiming that immigrants entering the U.S. illegally are taking“Black jobs and Hispanic jobs.” This claim seems to have backfired on Trump, as the consensus questions his point and documents proof of own racism, not to mention disconnect to reality. 

In conclusion, it all comes down to one decision: VOTE. Going through this process is empowering and makes the difference between change and status quo. 

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