Tuesday, January 14, 2025

The Strength of HER: Ode to Kamala

September 16, 2024 by  
Filed under Highlights, Peace


The orchestra of heartbeats lives within. The conscious movement of care is intentional. Love is the constant and only unrest lies in the alternative. The mighty electric vibes can either be embraced or ignored. They are invisible to those who fear the call to excellence, but feed Queens to rise and lift you over. 

The touch of warmth that breaks down barriers of confusion gives clarity of sight. Words that resonate in your grandmother’s comforting tone — of a promising hope realized — are embedded in your soul. The mighty calm, when faced with a disturbance, shatters the plan of the opposition. 

Like a chameleon, HER can heal hearts, mend wounds, climb mountains, intellectualize a maze, and stand ten toes down for righteousness. 

Waves will recede only to gain momentum when meeting the tides that come in the moments. Facing journeys that life serves to break smiles of your soul—HER glide redefines steps. Conversations are navigated meeting purposeful results. 

Love demands to be seen and treasured more than the deep blue diamond. 

Floating only in a pool of FREEDOM gives rise to Self. Walking the trail guided by experience and never lost in a storm. 

The acceptance of destiny, in the greatness of this moment, that was prepared a long time ago waiting FOR HER.

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