Tuesday, February 18, 2025

YOU! HAVE THE POWER | It is done! Election stress and the art of settling down

November 14, 2024 by  
Filed under Conversation



Is it done — or just beginning? 

I have it, my family has it, the lady at the checkout has it, the pastor, and even the rideshare lady has it: stress! 

A US News and World Report article recently caught my attention, offering — in a roundabout way at the time — a glimpse of hope. In “13 Ways to Reduce Election Stress,” author Elaine K. Howley outlines strategies for defeating this seasonal ailment. 

As I write this, the election is 14 days away — and I join you in feeling the pins and needles as we prepare to vote and await the results. 

We are not alone: a recent poll shows that 72% of Americans reported being stressed out over the election process and outcome. You can learn more here: health.usnews.com/wellness/articles/election-and-political-stress-or-anxiety. 

You may even know the election results by the time you read this — and already shaking your heads about the next steps, regardless of who will be in the White House. 

If I find myself among the expected majority of Americans who will be living on the opposite side of their choices, beware of doom-scrolling — a term coined by mental health professionals to describe searching out negative outcomes. Instead, flip the script to “hope-scrolling” where you continue to search for opportunities of hope. In fact, settle in and watch “The Wiz.” It’s truly inspiring. 

Dr. Ellen Brown encourages your responses to topics in the column. You can send them to ebrown.nci@gmail.com

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