Wednesday, January 22, 2025

24 things no longer true about America

December 9, 2024 by  
Filed under Conversation


Louie Overstreet

Here are twenty-four things that were either once true about America yet are no longer believable and ain’t happening nowadays. 

1. A nation divided against itself cannot stand. 

2. Building a more perfect union. 

3. Concept of one person, one vote 

4. Wording on the base of the Statue of Liberty 

5. Women’s right to choose 

6. Love/hope being stronger emotions than hate/fear 

7. In politics, truth having a higher currency value than lies. 

8. Lady Justice being blind. 

9. Americans are informed voters 

10. The sanctity of Arlington Cemetery 

11. The idea that in America, anyone can grow up to be President 

12. Civility in our thoughts, words, and actions 

13. Land of the free and home of the brave 

14. Separation of church and state 

15. Adherence to Christian values 

16. The only thing to fear is fear itself 

17. Golden Rule 

18. Universal condemnation of violence 

19. Envy of the free world 

20. Lessons of history 

21. President is not above the law 

22. Demonstration of a sense of unity 

23. A person’s word being their bond

24. America the beautiful 

I am confident, for all the wrong reasons, in saying that none of the twenty-four things listed will change for the better, during the next four years. 

Further, I have two observations to share about the election results from last month. 

1. There is a staggering number of uninformed voters in America. For example, one person stated the reason he voted for Trump was that he would not place a tariff on his overtime pay, I poop you not! 

2. Many of us have little, if any, appreciation for the real possibility that history elsewhere could make a repeat appearance here in America. 

The only solace I can offer people, as things now stand, is to say you need to assess your recovery time after hitting the proverbial brick wall (election defeat) that left you pained and discouraged.

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