Tuesday, February 18, 2025


August 9, 2010 by  
Filed under Highlights, Peace

“Do I like me?” 

This question echoes endlessly through our minds, yet we seldom address it head-on. Instead, we live inside the nuances, hiding behind such fashionable declarations as “I love me some me!”

But should this question be answered verbally, or is the answer found in our day-to-day movement? Is it how we see our physical selves, or more about our treatment of others? Have you ever awoken on days when you feel so happy to be alive? The sun is bright (in Las Vegas, very bright), the grass is green, bills are paid, and instead of looking at yourself in the mirror, you catch the reflection of a loved one passing by.

You feel thankful, and in that thankfulness there is space for unconditional peace. Peace that can be shared by smiling at strangers. Peace in knowing that we are all somehow connected on this planet shared by the human race. Comfortable and still, allowing others to shine by giving unconditional compliments to those you admire. Living in the knowledge that offering love to others increases your own personal value.

Yes, we all have physical attributes we would like to change, and the celebration of our jiggly parts gets old. Nonetheless, you are free to love the skin you are in. The real you — a person not defined by the extra piece of sweet potato pie eaten last night, or the insult that traveled back to you through the grapevine. When we store the negatives about ourselves and others in our subconscious, we plant thorns beneath the layers of our skin. It is then that the skin we inhabit becomes uncomfortable, and in a futile search for comfort, we begin putting ourselves down or cutting down others.

The antidote is simple: We need to create more feel-good time. Time to feel great about ourselves! Feeling good in your skin is enjoying all that you have accomplished and what our forebears have sacrificed to bring you to this place. A place of joy! Joy that opens your heart to others and extends a hand of love.

Reaching out to others unconditionally — and with love — is a sign that you are at peace in your own skin. The skin you are in. God is good!

— Kimberly Bailey-Tureaud

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