Peace: The Truth In Our History
February 4, 2011 by Las Vegas Black Image Magazine
Filed under Highlights, Peace
As we celebrate Black History Month, it is important to remember the truth about how we were once divided so others could conquer. Holding fast to these facts allows us to forever find truth in our history, even as alternative perspectives challenge us to consider new evidence.
Truth is always yours, because everyone is entitled to their own interpretation of it. But our personal truth is what we can hold onto for peace. Those things that are self-evident: your family, your many blessings, and your health are the truths that you should stay focused on.
It is a daily reality for most, and what a treasure to see these truths lived out. At a time when lost souls are striving to win at the game of life, surround your mind, body and soul with your own personal truths. Ultimately, this will bring joy.