Wednesday, January 22, 2025

PEACE: Silence is Golden

December 9, 2024 by  
Filed under Highlights, Peace


Words are an optional choice. Speaking is the art of communication with others, and silence is the language for within. Prayer usually begins in the heart and is expressed through the mind. So often, the spoken word is reactionary to a person or situation. Our forms of speaking can be used to build up, cheer up, correct, remind, or bring down. So many forms of acting out verbal communication — and as time passes, we recognize how it adds or subtracts. 

Many times, words cannot be found. Given the range of emotions — speeding faster than thought — words lie in wait to calibrate and capture the moment. Words also serve as the artificial curtain to mask feelings that are hidden. Courteous assimilation directs our authentic voice. 

Love is the supreme language that demands respect. All living things positively respond to the loving touch, loving glance, the loving embrace, or the loving act. Equally, negative language will be met with another form of communication. 

Your silence can also draw spoken words toward you. Curiosity is an unshakable reaction that eagerly rambles to find out what is not being said. Self-control is your strength to give while others receive. 

Your individuality is a precious gem that many will try to commandeer. First, by revamping your thoughts, your actions, and then your words. Relinquish your voice and the treasure within will awaken and self-confidence is the gift. 

The quiet is so important — away from disruption and chaos. Your home will be engulfed in peace while understanding stands firm. The cradle will hypnotize time into blanketing you with the favor of His grace. 

Peace will find you in your quiet mind.

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