Friday, July 26, 2024

Kappa members tour San Diego colleges

September 13, 2011 by  
Filed under Extra, Photos

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Proposed budget cuts could affect the education of UNLV students over the next few years

March 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Community

With Nevada state officials weighing budget cuts that could result in UNLV losing nearly $100 million over five years, those who rely on financial aid to pursue higher education are wondering how the proposed reductions will affect their futures.

Expertise Cosmetology Institute celebrates 10th anniversary

March 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Community

The Expertise Cosmetology Institute has educated aspiring hair stylists and nail technicians for 10 years, with more than 600 graduates currently owning their own salons or working for major companies across the United States.

2011 Martin Luther King Jr. Dinner at Texas Station

January 24, 2011 by  
Filed under Media, Photos

Photos from the 2011 Martin Luther King Jr. Dinner at Texas Station

Young Dr. King Dreamers Awards Program Jan 11th 2011 at the Dr. Willliam Pearson Community Center

Young Dr. King Dreamers Awards Program Jan 11th 2011 at the Dr. Willliam Pearson Community Center

Concert to honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

January 1, 2011 by  
Filed under Cover Story

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday will be celebrated Jan. 15 with a live concert at Abundant Life Seventh-Day Adventist Church, located at 1720 N. J St., in Las Vegas’ historic Westside community.

DWIGHT D. JONES – African-American to head nation’s 5th-largest school district

December 30, 2010 by  
Filed under Cover Story, Feature

In August, Walt Rulffes retired after five years as superintendent of the Clark County School District. After a rigorous search for a new chief of the nation’s fifth-largest public school agency, the Clark County Board of Education announced in November that it had selected Dwight D. Jones for the post. As he began settling into his new office, the former Colorado state commissioner of education granted Las Vegas Black Image an exclusive interview to discuss his approach to the job and what he hopes to accomplish.

Black to Green – 10 Ways to Live

July 1, 2010 by  
Filed under Community

Corey Enus and his 10 easy steps for living green and being eco-friendly.

Scholastic Achievers

July 1, 2010 by  
Filed under Community

West Prep High School’s scholastic achievers D’Andre Young GPA: 3.8 “Through my journey and high school days, my mother has always been there for me. She has been a mother, father, friend and counselor. I could not have made it this far without the good in her. I would like to thank her for putting […]

Advocate dedicated to assisting low-income children

December 1, 2009 by  
Filed under Community

A report aired last month on CNN confirmed for the world what many Nevadans have long known: Already among the hardest hit by the foreclosure crisis, the state now ranks with the highest in the U.S. in numbers of homeless families and hungry children. Rory Sipp is among those on the front lines, helping families […]

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